Saturday, November 26, 2011

October Column

First published in The Evening Sun:

Dramatist Edward Bulwer-Lytton wrote, "The pen is mightier than the sword." Though not intended for an audience of seventh grade girls, his words could not be more applicable to our young people. With increased bullying and peer pressure, our youth often use violence as an outlet. However, I recently had the opportunity to introduce the power of words to a group of Adams County seventh graders, and the poetry they produced packed more punch than any fist ever could.

On October 11, I led poetry workshops during the break-out sessions of Adams County's Young Women's Leadership Conference at Gettysburg College. The conference invites seventh grades from eleven area schools to participate in a day of guest speakers, fitness exercises, and a variety of workshops, to encourage wellness, empowerment, leadership, and learning.

The workshops ranged from dance lessons to stress-management discussions. I had the pleasure of introducing many young women to the power of poetry. During two sessions, I worked with seventh graders from New Oxford, Gettysburg, and Bermudian middle schools.

I asked the young women to think of two moments from their lives: moments when someone or something made them feel good or bad. Instead of reacting or discussing the events, I asked them to take their ideas and feelings to the page. In a few lines each, the young women gave themselves voices, amid the din of seventh grade cliques and drama.

We combined all the mini poems from the group and created the poems below. You can read the longer versions on my blog.

While discussing ideas to write about, some imagined how writing gives each of us a voice that no one can take away. Many of the young women wrote on this theme. The first poem is thus titled, "My Voice."

My Voice

I want to be heard

not drowned out

in others' words.

My ex-friend,

told the whole 4th grade.

I felt as shy as a cricket.

I was excluded

like I was isolated

on my own little island

They mocked me

But tried to be my friend

every once in a while.

She did not like me because of my skin.

It made me sad deep down within.

She did not even know my name.

And was ignorant to the fact that all people are the same.

They push me

I push them back

all of a sudden, "Smack."

I walked away in shame.

For then, I knew

what having a broken heart meant.

The words coming from his mouth

were piercing my throat

making it so I couldn't talk

but only cry.

My true friends saved me.

Though most of the moments in "My Voice" deal with negative experiences, many of the young women also wrote about moments of joy and excitement. The following poem's title is taken from one poet's line: "A Heart As Big As a Lion's Roar."

A Heart As Big As a Lion's Roar

I couldn't believe it!

It felt like I was in a dream.

When I found out

my eyes lit up

and I shouted, full of joy!

My smile was as big

as the sun.

I felt good when one of my friends

wanted to repay me

so she took me to a party.

She looked at me with a glow in her eye.

She seemed happy, but also shy.

She's helped me become who I am.

I know we are like peanut butter and jelly.

We spent a whole day in Maryland

collecting food and money for poor people.

It made my heart as big

as a lion's roar.

Thanks to the conference, I had the opportunity to teach some young women about poetry as a resource and an outlet. However, they reminded me that poetry empowers us. No matter the people or ideas that attempt to silence our voices, we can always return to the dialogue between the pen and page, a conversation that is always more productive than hurtful, spoken comments.

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